Frank Sorber Cairns Cup Player from Germany

Frank was born in 1961 in Erfurt/East Germany, together with his second wife he has 6 children, 8 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild that keep him extremely busy. He lives near of Wuerzburg in the North of Bavaria with his wife Elizabeth.

Frank said, “I have played golf since 2011 at the golf course Maria Bildhausen, I have played in The Phoenix Cup 2018 and 20019 as well as the Cairns Cup 2022”.

He went on to say “. I also played a lot of European tournaments with EDGA in the UK, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Spain, France, and Portugal”.


Trevor is from Kirkcaldy, Fife, 25miles from the home of golf St Andrews.

Trevor was born with Cerebral Palsy. This effects his balance and walking ability. He can stand and swing the golf club but is unable to complete a full body rotation and follow through, therefore he creates a punch shot motion.

Trevor is known as the wobblygolfer, “I am very proud to represent Europe again in The Cairns Cup, in 2022 in London I suffered an injury on day 1 so hopefully this time I can help the team win in Michigan”.


Jennifer Sräga – Germany represents Europe at Cairns Cup

Jennifer is 23 years old from Senden which is near Ulm in Germany. She was born with Achondroplasia with is more commonly known as short stature her current handicap is 5.4.

Jennifer said “I started with golf at the age of 7 because my parents were looking for a sport for the whole family. I’m studying SportsBusiness Management at the university in Düsseldorf, it’s a huge honour for me to be able to represent the team European at the Cairns Cup in Michigan.”

She went on to say “This is such a great event just like the Ryder Cup or the Solheim Cup, it’s awesome to participate and try to beat Team USA. It’s a huge event and I’m really looking forward to it.”


James Gallagher

James is 28 years old from Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. He plays golf at Meltham golf club.

He said, “My golfing journey began through mine and my dad’s passion to play golf together and now I have been continuing this journey for the last 15 years”.

James has left hemiplegia, a type of cerebral palsy, it affects his left hand, making it weak and harder to grip and affects his coordination but he has adapted his swing to fit his game and he tries his best on the golf course every time he plays.


Frans-Harmsen From Netherlands represents Team Europe

Frans Harmsen 55 is from the Netherlands. He works at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in the Finance team for the new A-pier.

“I encountered golf when I was in the rehabilitation Center for 7 months in 1997. I was operated on 14 times after repeated internal fractures and medical errors.  I use a wheelchair daily and with golf I use a buggy”. said Frans

He went on to say “After 7 years of not being able to exercise I was finally able to exercise again, and I caught the golf bug. I am a member of Golf Amsteldijk where I really like to train with team Handigolf.  We play 2 times a week on different courses in the Netherlands. I also help disabled people to play golf on a lot of different courses in the Netherlands”.

Frans has been playing matches in Europe with EDGA Tour for 20 years. His highlight in golf was being invited to the Cairns Cup in London in 2022, and he is now extremely proud to have been chosen again to represent team Europe in Michigan in 2024.